
Who Can Join?
Any Catholic man (or men who are seeking to enter Christ’s only Church He established on earth under Peter (Matthew 16:18)) is welcome to join.

Non-Initiated Individuals Seeking Existing Men’s Groups
If you are an individual and are seeking to join a Band of Christian Brothers men’s group we encourage you to check out a list of groups in your area here.

Non-Initiated Individuals Seeking to Join Fraternity But Not Men’s Group
If you are an individual that would like to be a part of the Band of Christian Brothers fraternity and are willing to make the commitment of adhering to our Code of Honour and Spirituality but due to geographical location or lifestyle you are unable to commit to a men’s group click here.

Starting Your Own Group
God bless you in answering God’s call for you to step out and start a men’s group. We would be happy to help you get started and what is involved to start a men’s group and be a part of the Band of Christian Brothers fraternity. Please read the FAQ page about it and contact us.

Existing Men’s Groups
If you are already a member or leader of an exisiting men’s group and would like for your group to be a part of the fraternity please check out our “Affiliate Membership” page.

Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us if you have any more questions.

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