
These resources are approved for Band of Christian Brother use at Cohort meetings. This list will continue to grow as new materials are approved.

NOTE: All new Cohorts are expected to start with the “Be A Man” DVD series and are then free to choose what materials they wish to study based on the interest and needs of their individual Cohort. The reason being is that we all need the foundation of what it truly means to be a man of God.

Fellow Brothers are welcome to suggest new materials to be approved. Please contact us.


Be A Man DVD Set

beamandvdcaseBe A Man DVD Set

5 DVD SET (Two talks on each DVD)

#1 – Be a Man Who Stays Focused on the Final Goal ; Be a Man Who Lives as a Beloved Son

#2 – Be a Man Who Repents; Be a Man Who Lives in the Holy Spirit

#3 – Be a Man Who Is Strong; Be a Man Who is Loving

#4 – Be a Man Who Is Wise; Be a Man Who Lives as He Was Created

#5 – Be a Man Who Is Holy; Be a Man Who Changes the World

Theology of the Body

intro_tob_bundleAn Introduction to the Theology of the Body, 8-Part Study – Starter Pack

This Starter Pack contains everything a facilitator needs to run An Introduction to the Theology of the Body study including:

  • 4 DVD Set (8-parts)
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Student Workbook

Based on Saint John Paul II’s revolutionary teaching and presented by world-renowned speaker and author Christopher West, The Gift is a comprehensive system designed to lay a firm foundation for those who desire to incorporate the Theology of the Body into their daily lives.

An Introduction to the Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life, is an eight-part, four-hour study designed to give you a solid understanding of God’s plan for humanity – a plan stamped right into our bodies.

Most people have heard the “whats” of Catholic teaching, but very few have ever heard the “whys.” With profound insight, Christopher West demonstrates that the Church’s teaching on sex and marriage “makes sense”, and, in fact, is the “logic” of Christianity, because it corresponds perfectly with the deepest stirrings and desires of the human heart. This study is for everyone searching for their ultimate purpose in life.

Participants will:

  • Learn why the redemption of our sexuality is the key to happiness.
  • Develop a “new lens” through which to see the world with greater clarity.
  • See how God’s mystery is revealed through the body and spousal love.
  • Discover the truth behind the lies of lust and pornography and how they can be overcome.
  • Learn the language of sexual love. …and much more.

This study includes the following lessons:

  • Session 1: An Education in Being Human
  • Session 2: The Great Analogy of Spousal Love
  • Session 3: Man and Woman He Created Them (Our Origin)
  • Session 4: Man and Woman He Redeemed Them (Our History)
  • Session 5: The Resurrection of the Body (Our Destiny)
  • Session 6: Celibacy for the Kingdom
  • Session 7: Marriage as a Sacrament
  • Session 8: The Language of Sexual Love
Pillar I: The Creed

Pillar I: The Creed

This twelve-part program explores the second section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacraments. Pillar I: The Creed provides the foundation needed to begin the four-part journey through the complete Pillars series. The Creed opens up the structure of the Catechism and shows how it is far more than a list of “faith facts,” but instead a sure map for their journey of faith.

Learning and Living the Catechism

Your Group Will:

  • Learn why the Catechism should be treated less like a fact book and more like a roadmap for our faith journey
  • Learn what God’s “innermost secret” is and how we’re called to participate in it
  • See that our journey of faith is one from “Blessing to Blessing,” that the God who made us wills that we return to him
  • Discover how the Catechism can be seen as a new catechesis for the New Evangelization
  • Learn how what we believe emerges from the living story of salvation history
  • Discover the role the angels play in aiding our salvation, and how they are truly present to us…and much more!


Pillar II: Sacraments

Pillar II: Sacraments

Sacraments is a 12-part study that guides participants through the first section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Not only will you learn about the power and purpose of the sacraments, you’ll also discover how these fonts of inexhaustible grace can transform your life, providing strength, healing, and hope.

Learning and Living the Catechism

Your Group Will:

  • Discover the sacraments as the source and power of grace Jesus gave us to face life’s struggles, challenges, and temptations.
  • Learn about the sacraments’ biblical origins.
  • Understand how the Eucharist foreshadows Christ’s second coming.
  • See how the sacraments mystically transport us into the actual events of Christ’s ministry.
  • Learn how the ancient Jewish Temple can be seen as a prefigurement of the Mass.
  • Discover how both holy orders and marriage are ordered “towards the salvation of others”… and much more!
Behold the Man

Behold the Man

Christ-centered families are Western civilization’s last, best hope. However, in our culture, God-fearing husbands and fathers seem to be an oddity at best and an endangered species at worst. With humor, frankness, and years of defending his faith in rough-and-tumble arenas, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers shares with us what it means to be a Catholic man in today’s society. 4 discs. 6 1/2 hrs.

Kapaun's Men Series 1: The Virtue Series

Kapaun’s Men Series 1: The Virtue Series

Dive into the virtues that made Father Kapaun a hero and a saint. The first program for your Kapaun’s Men group, this 8-part series features testimony of two of Father Kapaun’s fellow Prisoners of War as well as men from all walks of life. This series will help strengthen your mission as a Christian man, whether as a husband, father, leader or friend. Reinvigorate your life with virtue!

This DVD set contains two discs with the 7 videos for the Virtue Series. Features:
1. The Story of Fr. Kapaun (35 min)
2. Mercy (13 min)
3. Faith (15 min)
4. Hope (16 min)
5. Love (14 min)
6. Courage (13 min)
7. Missionary (14 min)
The 8th session is a recap without a new video.

Kapaun's Men Series 2: The Stewardship Series

Kapaun’s Men Series 2: The Stewardship Series

Want to have an extraordinary life? In its second video series, Kapaun’s Men examines how the concept of stewardship helps us as men recognize the unique set of gifts given to each of us by God and how to share those gifts with God and others. By focusing on Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service, this 10-part series helps us live as a gift to others and leave an impact on the world. As Father Kapaun taught: “God gave us our gifts, not for our own glory or pride, but that we might use them for God’s greater honor and glory. Use your gifts to help your fellow man as much as you can.”

This DVD contains the 10 videos for the Stewardship Series. Each video is approx. 7-12 minutes long.

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - PART 1

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained – PART 1

In the ten episodes of Part 1 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we journey through the core teachings of the Catholic Church with the goal of knowing the Faith. Join Dr. Edward Sri and his team of experts as they systematically walk through the story of salvation, traced out by the Catechism.

Using the Creed as our guide, we move from creation and the fall, to Christ’s redemptive Death and Resurrection, to His founding of the Catholic Church, and His coming at the end of time. Part 1 compellingly and comprehensively presents the foundation and fundamental beliefs of the Catholic Faith.

Episode Listing:

1. The Journey of Faith (20 minutes)
2. Divine Revelation (32 minutes)
3. The Bible (33 minutes)
4. The Story of Salvation (34 minutes)
5. Who Is Jesus? (33 minutes)
6. The Paschal Mystery (33 minutes)
7. The Holy Spirit & the Life of Grace (37 minutes)
8. Why Do I Need the Church? (44 minutes)
9. Mary and the Saints (36 minutes)
10. The Last Things (40 minutes)

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained - PART 2

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained – PART 2

In the ten episodes of Part 2 of Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, we continue our walk through the story of salvation and the teachings of the Church, this time exploring the key to fully living the Faith.

As we unpack the ways that we encounter God in our lives, we discover the transforming power of God’s grace in the seven sacraments and consider some of the critical moral issues of our day. Ultimately, these ten episodes show us how to live a life worthy of the Gospel.

Episode Listing:

1. The Sacraments (41 minutes)
2. The Eucharist (38 minutes)
3. Walk Through the Mass (35 minutes)
4. Penance & The Anointing of the Sick (45 minutes)
5. Matrimony & Holy Orders (42 minutes)
6. A Catholic Moral Vision (47 minutes)
7. A Love That Lasts – Part 1 (20 minutes)
8. A Love That Lasts – Part 2 (37 minutes)
9. Catholic Social Teaching – Part 1 (20 minutes)
10. Catholic Social Teaching – Part 2 (37 minutes)


The Three Marks of Manhood

three marks of manhood - smallThe Three Marks of Manhood: How to be Priest, Prophet and King of Your Family

The noted Catholic psychologist Dr. G.C. Dilsaver writes that the time has come for Catholic families to re-discover true patriarchy–time for Catholic men to accept and fulfill their role as leader and head of their families.

The role of Christian manhood, as ordained by God and confirmed by Catholic teaching, is symbolized by three staffs: the Scepter of authority and self-discipline, the Crosier of spiritual headship, and the Cross of redemptive suffering.

Dr. Dilsaver promotes a new and untainted patriarchy in which the husband’s ultimate authority is rooted in Christ’s example of humility and self-sacrificing love.

The Three Marks of Manhood can help Christian families realize their identity to the fullest–empowering them to resist the encroachment of secular culture. Read it and learn how to build a strong and lasting marriage, raise children to become faithful men and women of God, and foster an authentic Catholic culture in your home.

Dr. Dilsaver, with his development of the first fully integrated Christian psychology, Imago Dei Psychotherapy, is truly the father of Christian Psychology; with the publication of The Three Marks of Manhood he may also be the father of a new Christian patriarchy.

Manual for Spiritual Warfare

manual for spiritual warfare - smallManual for Spiritual Warfare

A fierce war rages for your soul. Are you ready for battle?

Like it or not, you are at war. You face a powerful enemy out to destroy you. You live on the battlefield, so you can’t escape the conflict.

It’s a spiritual war with crucial consequences in your everyday life and its outcome will determine your eternal destiny.

You must engage the Enemy. And as you fight, you need a Manual for Spiritual Warfare.

This guide for spiritual warriors will help you recognize, resist, and overcome the Devil’s attacks. Part One, “Preparing for Battle,” answers these critical questions:

• Who is Satan, and what powers does he have?
• What are his typical strategies?
• Who fights him alongside us in battle?
• What spiritual weapons and armor do we possess?
• How do we keep the Enemy out of our camp?
Part Two, “Aids in Battle,” provides you these essential resources:
• Teaching about spiritual warfare from Scripture and Church documents
• Scripture verses for battle
• Wisdom and inspiration from saints who fought Satan
• Prayers for protection, deliverance, and victory
• Rosary meditations, hymns, and other devotions for spiritual combat

St. Paul urges us to “fight the good fight of the faith” (1 Tim 6:12). Take this Manual for Spiritual Warfare with you into battle.

Church Militant Field Manual

church militant field manualChurch Militant Field Manual

God wants you, but He wants you “strong” in His supernatural power. From the very first days of our membership in the Mystical Body of Christ, we are, in essence, commissioned officers in the Church Militant. This Church Militant Field Manual will test you in your resolve to become strong in the Lord and His mighty power. You will also learn the special operations (special ops) techniques and procedures for search and rescue missions of fallen comrades (family and friends whose faith has grown weak). Discover what it means to be “God Strong.”

Father, The Family Protector

father family protector - smallFather, The Family Protector

In Father, The Family Protector, Educator James Stenson explores how fathers exercise their powerful and particularly masculine contribution to family life. His research comes from more than twenty years of working with families from two highly successful independent secondary schools for boys that he helped establish, The Heights School in Washington D.C., and Northridge Preparatory School in Chicago. As headmaster, he made it his business to know hundreds of families intimately studying their family lives, watching their children grow into maturity, very often successfully, but sometimes not. Through countless conversations with fathers and mothers, he tried to account for the differences, looking for patterns of family life among those parents who triumphed with their children. What did these successful men and women have in common? What did they manage to do right? Most important: what could other parents learn from their experience?

This wisdom of fatherhood is what this book is all about. It explains the main obstacles in today’s society that undercut a father’s teaching role, and tells men what they could do to overcome them. Then within this framework, James Stenson spells out how successful fathers deal with their children in the more crucial areas: family rules, discipline, schooling, sports, recreation, the media, and ongoing teamwork with one’s wife. In short, this book provides the guidance that will help any father to carry out a serious responsibility – that of protector of his family.

Catechism of the Council of Trent

catechism of the council of trentThe Catechism of the Council of Trent

Compiled under the direction of St. Charles Borromeo and recognized as the most authoritative Catholic catechism. Leo XIII recommended two books– the Summa and this Catechism–for all seminarians! Pope Benedict 16th, as a Cardinal, called it the most important Catholic Catechism. Originally designed to supply parish priest with an official book of instruction, it has been used extensively by the laity as a steadying guide in our confused age. New typesetting and beautiful hardbound cover.

Catholic Catechism

catechismThe Catholic Catechism: A contemporary Catechism of the teachings of the Catholic Church

“This volume is intended to meet a widely felt need for an up-to-date and concise source book on the principal teachings of the Catholic Church. Since the close of the Second Vatican Council, there has been such an accumulation of ecclesiastical constitutions and decrees and so many changes they introduced in Catholic practice that few people have been able to keep up with all that has happened… A parallel purpose of this volume is to offer those who use it a handy guidebook of the Catholic tradition, whether formally documented in ecclesiastical sources or implicitly accepted by the faithful under the aegis of the Church’s hierarchial leaders.

“The method followed in presenting the Church’s doctrine is a combination of history and logic. Doctrines are placed into a historical framework by tracing their origins to the Old and New Testaments and placing their development within the context of persons, places, and times. The doctrine thus becomes more intelligible because it is viewed in the setting of its vital growth over the centuries.

“The intended reading audience of this Catholic catechism are all those priests, religious and laity, and above all parents and teachers, who are looking for a concise statement of the faith they profess, the conduct they practice, and the worship they give to the Lord.”

–From The Catholic Catechism by John A. Hardon, S.J.

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