by Band of Christian Brothers | Nov 24, 2016 | Sin, Spiritual Warfare
Written By: Dennis Buonafede If you want to really know what you’re interested in ask yourself this question: when scripture is being read during Mass, and you’re only half listening, what words snap you back to attention? Many times it can be something that is...
by Band of Christian Brothers | Oct 25, 2016 | Faith, Sin
Written By: Dennis Buonafede As an archery coach in a Catholic high school I like to use archery as an analogy to the spiritual life. Since archery is rich in connections to real life it helps immensely when I try to get some point across to my students. One point in...
by Band of Christian Brothers | Jul 29, 2016 | Sin, Spiritual Warfare
Written By: Victor Penney “Until I’m measured, I’m not known, yet how much do you miss me when I have flown.” Can you guess what that is? Here’s another clue: “It devours all things … birds, beasts, flowers, and trees; gnaws iron, bites steal; grinds hard stones to...