You are invited to join us in our 3rd annual Band of Christian Brothers men’s conference! It is a one day intensive men’s retreat consisting of spiritual talks, Mass, Adoration, Confession, fraternity and prayer.
We live in a confused world with gender ideology, inverse roles, prolonged adolescence and sin seen as virtue. Where radical feminism has replaced femininity and masculinity is taboo which has led to one of the most serious crises facing our society today – the lack of true men. Women, children, the Church and the world are yearning for true men to step up.
Lying at the heart of the lack of true men and manhood is a deeper crisis – man’s loss of his identity. Men have lost touch with their true identity, with their mission and the men that God has created them to be.
We are called to be men of God and to do that we need to practice manly virtue. How do we do this? We look to Christ, the ultimate Man!
On February 24th Hector Molina, Bishop Gerard Bergie and David Gilbert will challenge and unpack how we can become the men God is calling us to be through the practice of manly virtue.
Location: Canada Christian College, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto
Date: Saturday February 24, 2018
Schedule: 9:00AM – 4:30PM (Detailed schedule click here)
Parking is FREE on site (first come first served). Lunch is available at venue for $6.50.
To purchase tickets click here or use the form below and then go to your cart to checkout.
We are proud to support our priests, seminarians and religious!
Priests, seminarians and religious: For FREE Admission email us and come in your collar or habit! Register at to ensure a spot.