Divine Providence or Declining Confidence

We live in strange times. Athletes that quit are celebrated as courageous, big families are considered a threat to human life but not abortion, and church-burning we are told, “is not right but understandable”. In other words, the beacons of virtue today...
What is Catholic education?

What is Catholic education?

Hello brothers, “We worked hard and saved $63,000 so that our son could have an education, only to have him come back from school and call us racists.’ As we see churches burning, statues vandalized, and anti-Catholic vitriol being spread all over the...
Of Arrows and Quivers

Of Arrows and Quivers

Written By: Dennis Buonafede If you want to really know what you’re interested in ask yourself this question: when scripture is being read during Mass, and you’re only half listening, what words snap you back to attention? Many times it can be something that is...
The Mass: Our Refuge and Salvation

The Mass: Our Refuge and Salvation

Written By: Victor Penney The world seems extra crazy these days, doesn’t it? We’re right in the middle of the most volatile presidential election in U.S. history. Here in Canada, it wasn’t too long ago when the Supreme Court said certain indecent acts with animals...
Tight Grouping!

Tight Grouping!

Written By: Dennis Buonafede As an archery coach in a Catholic high school I like to use archery as an analogy to the spiritual life. Since archery is rich in connections to real life it helps immensely when I try to get some point across to my students. One point in...
Hitting the Mark

Hitting the Mark

Written By: Dennis Buonafede Athletics has always been a popular activity to use as metaphors for the spiritual life. St. Paul, for example, used running and fighting in his letter to Timothy (2 Tim 4:7). Many modern writers and speakers use American football (Serving...
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